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Ils Habitaient nos Quartiers (2)

2013, 13" x 18.5"

Ils habitaient nos quartiers. En hommage aux hommes, femmes & enfants du 20ème arrondissement qui, parce que nés Juifs, ont été arrêtés et régroupés ici par la police français pendant les rafles de 1942 à 1944 sur ordre du gouvernement de Vichy. A ceux qui furent déportés, a ceux qui ne revinrent pas des camps de la mort, le 20ème se souvient et s'incline.

They lived in our neighborhood. In hommage to the men, women and children of the 20th district who, because they were born Jews, were arrested and gathered here during the round-ups of 1942 to 1944 by order of the Vichy government. To those who were deported, to those who did not return from the death camps, the 20th district remembers and bows its head.